Norris School District

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Communicable Diseases

The Norris School District maintains and promotes wellness in our schools and community by ensuring a healthy and safe learning environment for students to grow and for employees to work through preventing and diminishing the spread of communicable diseases. 

As the Norris School District team, we adhere to the strict guidelines and recommendations set forth by the Department of Public Health and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) related to identification, reporting, treatment and prevention of communicable diseases.

When there is good reason to believe a student has a contagious or infectious disease, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the student sent home. The student may return to school when well and/or released by a physician. 

It is not always easy to know when to send your child to school, and when to leave your child home. These Guidelines are based on public health science. If you have any questions about them, please reach your district nurse.

Please do not send a child with the following symptoms to school: 

  • Fever of 100.4°F or more, taken orally. Students may return to school if fever-free for 24 hours, without the help of acetaminophen (eg, Tylenol) or ibuprofen (eg, Motrin, Advil). During county health department-declared epidemics, the definition of fever may change.  
  • Cough and difficulty breathing – do not send your child to school with difficulty breathing, rapid breathing at rest, blue color to skin, or has audible wheezing, please schedule an appointment with your physician. In the event of an emergency call 911.
  • Rash that is undiagnosed - will need a physician's clearance to come back to school. 
  • Diarrhea - Students need to be symptom free for 24 hours in order to return to school.  
  • Vomiting - Any student that has been vomiting should be able to hold down a meal and be symptom free without fever or general weakness for 24 hours before returning to school. 
  • Antibiotics - Children who are placed on antibiotics for impetigo, pink eye, strep throat, and several other bacterial infections, should be on them for a FULL 24 hours before returning to school,  other restrictions may apply.
Head Lice

If a student is found with active, adult head lice, the parent/guardian will be notified of the active infestation and encouraged to pick up their child and begin treatment for the eradication of lice. The parent or guardian of any such student shall be given information about the treatment of head lice and encouraged to begin treatment of the student immediately and to check all members of the family. The parent or guardian also shall be informed that the student shall be checked upon return to school the next day and allowed to remain in school if no active head lice are detected. The student will not be allowed to return to class with an active infestation. 

Mass screening (school-wide or whole classrooms) is not an evidence-based practice in controlling head lice infestation/reinfestation. Parents or guardians are encouraged to incorporate inspecting their child’s hair as part of their regular daily hygiene routine. Please notify the school if you detect head lice on your student, all information is kept confidential and this information helps other families maintain awareness. 
Bedbugs - Fact SheetResource
Chicken Pox(Varicella) - Fact SheetResource
Influenza - Fact SheetResource
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease - Fact SheetResource
Head Lice - Fact SheetResource
Impetigo - Fact SheetResource
Molluscum Contagiosum - Fact SheetResource
Mononucleosis - Fact SheetResource
Pin Worms - Fact SheetResource
Pink Eye(Conjunctivitis) - Fact SheetResource
Ringworm - Fact SheetResourceInfographic
Scabies - Fact SheetResource
Strep Throat - Fact SheetResource
Tuberculosis - Fact SheetResource